I am sitting at Coffee Hut catching up on the internet usu – yes freakin
Facebook – when I’m approached by a young man, which to be
completely frank I am immune to considering how much it happens.Facebook – when I’m approached by a young man, which to be
Begging here is LA traffic: everywhere and unavoidable. When he
enters, the entire room collectively avoids eye contact, me included.
No one wants to be interrupted on their picture stalking/status
updating session. In my periphery he’s without a doubt approaching
me for the sheer fact that I am closest to the entrance. I am already
rehearsing in my head what to say…or what not to, to this stranger as
I’m stalking Tatum Thirgood and uploading a big fat green caterpillar
to my profile. “Again? Seriously?” I’m thinking as I feel his eyes
burning a hole in my skull. (Don’t do it. Doh…!)
“Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me with something?”
(Yes, everyone you can get back to your stalking - he’s found his
target.) “Ugggh,” says my head and I look up.
Nothing about his appearance strikes me to put him in a different
category than any of the others who’ve pleaded, nay, demanded, “You
give me money now.” However, instead of putting out his hand he opens
this moth eaten tattered history book, points to a Gmail address, and
says, “I need to know if this still works?”
(That’s your intro? I’m not buying.)
The lull is painful but the boy knows better than to let silence out
do him. He proceeds. “My school fees are due and I need an email to
get sponsored.”
(Man, he’s put some thought into this catch. No. I won’t be a victim!)
Silence, awkward. Eye contact, killer! Skepticism…still there.
Exhale… “You want me to login to your email to see if it works? Ok, we
will check and then that is all.”
Harsh? Yes, but I did not want this teen to think I was his free
ticket to mooch off of for internet.
Username and Password are incorrect…incorrect…incorrect…
boy that his email is not on file, tell him I am sorry, and wish him
best of luck.
Awww…back to Skype – dohhhh!
“Excuse me madam, but I know what you are thinking and I am sorry
but what you are thinking is wrong. I am sorry to bother you
but I am not stupid like the others. I am Senior 3
(Junior) and I am smart enough to get into university.”
At this point there are 2 other people in Coffee Hut. An older
woman, white, definitely a mom; and a
can’t hear through his cheap headphones. Stupid American….
I give. “How old are you?”
Isaac is 17 and his English is very “sharp” as they say here. He was
eligible for a scholarship last year exceeding the qualifying score of
38 with plus 5. He loves chemistry. Loves chemistry! Unfortunately,
his mother and he had to move so she could find work selling oil and
sugar. His scholarship and 200,000 shillings payment aide were
dropped when he changed schools. Isaac is now faced with a school fee
of 400,000 shillings ($159.00 US). He will not be able to take exams
this month if his school fees aren’t paid.
Donk indeed. (Man, was IIIII a jerk.)
As I’m clicking on “Create a New Gmail Account” the mom across the
room says, “I’m emailing my friend who has some connections with
sponsorships in the states,” just to convey to you how profound of an
impression he made.
I told Isaac I do not have 400,000 shillings to give him but
to come back to Coffee Hut on Sunday at 2pm. I don’t
know what I will tell him Sunday, but this is me trying to pull
something together so he can take his exams and have a flying shot at
applying his intelligence and potential. God…so he can have a flying
shot at life.
If you feel compelled to make a contribution to Isaac's first school fee fund.
Click on the link below.
https://www.paypal.com/cgi- bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick& hosted_button_id=RZYSSUTTA4888
I told Isaac I do not have 400,000 shillings to give him but
to come back to Coffee Hut on Sunday at 2pm. I don’t
know what I will tell him Sunday, but this is me trying to pull
something together so he can take his exams and have a flying shot at
applying his intelligence and potential. God…so he can have a flying
shot at life.
If you feel compelled to make a contribution to Isaac's first school fee fund.
Click on the link below.
Lots of love,
Amber and Odong Isaac Crusoe
Fort Patiko
School sighting
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